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Proper Use of Medical Goggles

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The need to properly use medical goggles now is very important. In fact, as the world is fighting one kind of disease or the other, it is pertinent to take the necessary precaution to avoid being the next victim.


The need for personal protective equipment (PPE) like medical goggle is more pronounced now as more healthcare providers are exposing to new forms of diseases. More often than not, they are exposed to infectious fluids and blood from patients.


It protects the eyes and the eye sockets from respiratory droplets, sprays, and splashes. The anti-fog form provides practical and dependable use. Some newer versions also offer better facial protection.


With the appropriate use of medical goggles, health workers can protect their eyes from splashes and droplets. These droplets can transfer the infection to the health worker through the mucous membrane.


To avoid infection from the patient, every healthcare provider should make use of medical goggles produced by a reputable and renowned manufacturer.

Risks of Not Using Medical Goggles

The risks of not using medical goggles when attending to patients are numerous. Some of them are:

· Easy transmission of infection from the patient to the healthcare provider

· Impediment of vision as a result of a splash on the face of the healthcare worker.

· Eye injuries from infectious material used during the operation.

· Exposure to the primary contact of the disease from the patients.

· Frequent touching of the face with dirty fingers while carrying out treatment.

How to Properly Use Medical Goggles

The following important tips will guide you on using your device for proper protection from infection during treatment.

 medical goggles

When Wearing

ü Carefully place the device over the eyes.

ü Use the headband provided to secure it to the head.

ü Adjust it to ensure that it fits very well.

ü The goggles should properly fit the eyes without gaps around the eyes sockets.

ü In case you want to add a face shield, place it over the face. Then use the headband provided to fix it properly on the brow.

ü The face shield provides total coverage of the face if a big splash might infect other parts of the face apart from the eyes.


When Removing

ü Carefully hold head pieces with a clean ungloved hand.

ü Take it away from the face

ü Carefully dispose of it in the designated receptacles for proper disposal.

ü Wash your hands with water properly after removing the device. This helps you prevent any form of contamination that you might contact during the process.

Contact Us for Quality Medical Goggles

The time to purchase PPE for your workers is now. The safety of all healthcare workers is important. As a reputable and experienced manufacturer, we are here to make it easy for you.


Kindly contact us for quality medical goggles and other PPE. Your investment in our products will meet all your requirements. We have the best team that can provide excellent service to you. Try us today, and you will be pleased you did.


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