
Pro optical equipment design & manufacturing

Things To Consider When Purchasing A Swimming Google

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Swimming googles are essential part of any swimming kits, if you’re learning, training for a competition , or swimming for a fun.

You will be needing the right google for you swimming experience and we have provided a guide that help you consider which swimming google manufacturer sells the best products.

At reasoncustom we use quality materials to manufacture standard products that’s best for you swimming experience, training and competitions. Below are the guidelines which includes;

 swimming google

1. Where are you using the google lens?

When considering buying from a swimming google manufacturer you will need to be certain, if the type of swimming google manufactured will be good for outdoor pool swimming, open water swimming, or indoor pool swimming.

So, depending on which of the swimming pool you use, the type of shade lenses color will be different and it should be softly fitted to your eyes when used.

For an outdoor swimming you will have to your eyes from the Sun and choosing a darker lens with UV protection is good but it would better if you use polarized lenses.

While the indoor swimming doesn’t need any darker lenses unless there’s allot of lighting in the pool and you will always get distracted by the ray of light.


2. Gasket size

The size of the gasket is very essential because of your comfortability while diving in the swimming pool but the smaller the better as you will have less resistance in the water.

If wearing small google is difficult for you or you need a larger one that’s beyond the normal angle of visibility, get a swimming google that are used in scuba diving because the lenses are designed to be large.


3. Check if it is manufactured with plastic, foam, rubber or silicone seal

Before purchasing from a swimming google manufacturer always determines which one is best for you because these are seal that touch your skins around your eyes and create pressure around you eyes balls when in water.

Silicone or rubber materials are usually the best to be used as seal for you google because they can create suction on your eyes and no water will be able to enter, but the silicone type is quite expensive although it is popularly worldwide.

However, the foam type can be used but it easy deteriorates and it also depends on your preference because people are allergy to using it in the water.


4. Do they fog When you put them on?

This is usually very difficult to test when purchased from a swimming google manufacturer, sometimes they’re really bad googles that Start fogging immediately you start using them.

So, if you buy a google that start to fog you should Spit on the google or lick them with your tongue before putting them on but quality googles have anti-fog coating inside of them which clears the fog within a short period of time.  

So always ensure you get quality swimming google from a reliable swimming google manufacturer.

 swimming googles

Partner with us as a reliable Swimming google manufacturer

As a leading brand with a high commitment to quality when it comes to the production of high-quality swimming googles and other types of swimming equipment, you can count on us for the best products.

So, in case you need for any of our products and services, kindly, click here to contact us for any of our products and we will be glad to partner with you.


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